
The most important game in England are 4: Lacrosse, Netball, Rugby, Cricket.

Lacrosse in the UK is a minority sport usually played only in expensive private schools.It is fast. There are 10 players in a men’s team and 12 in a women’s team. Sometimes the teams are mixed. Players use a stick with a net on the end to throw and catch the ball and to carry it to the goal.

Netball is usually played by girls. The game derives from basketball, but the ball is smaller. There are 7 players in a team. Each player has a position on the court and must stay that part of the court. Players can take only one step with the ball.

Rugby and American Football have the same origins but are different games. In American Football you can throw the ball in front of you while one of the most important rules in rugby is that you must pass it behind. The stadium are always full at the matches but there is rarely any violence.
English and Irish immigrants invented baseball in America. In England it became cricket .

There are 11 players in a cricket team while there are 9 players in a baseball team. Cricket i salso very popular in some ex British colonies: Australia, New Zeland, India, Pakistan and South Africa. The game is very slow and can countinue for five days.